Friday, November 19, 2010

stuff i'm going to do...

such a long time i've left this blog....
i think this is the right time for me to re-write n start everything again...
stuff i'm going to do??
a lot!!!!!!!!!

-gather with my friends
-island hopping (Langkawi)
-go to boarder - thailand
-Singapore tour
-i heart Cameron Highland
-tour around PERLiS-tmn anggur,pdg besar,bkt kayu hitam
-kuala selangor- kelip-kelip
-KL tour

seems like so many stuff i'm going to do..
hope everything will be done
n everything going to be that perfect!

i'll keep updating soon~

Saturday, August 21, 2010

my day today

no matter how much i smile still there are many things hiding in my family of course the most thing that i'm thinking of..worried so mush about my mom..she have been survived in raising us up yet until today we still make her worried.for my only brother, please "come back home"...we still need you but please leave "it"."IT" just shit!!!!!!!make our family goes in trouble...we always pray for u.hope u know the right path n our apology is there for you until u really come back.............:(

Thursday, January 7, 2010


so senstf.....pompuankan??ni la pompuan slalu dpt skt hal remeh n itu,pk ini...cmne xpk.mmg jenis yg pk nk wat cmner...nk ckp dgn owg pon pk byk kali tkot owg trase ngan kte..bila owg rspon pe kte ckp pk lg,dia trase ngan aku ke....ptt ke xptt aku wat lg....pompuan,pompuan...tgk mmbe monyok pon pk jgk..tumpang monyok skali..duet da tggal nyawa2 ikn,pk lg....tgk makcik cleaner mkn nsk pon pk jgk,bersyukur kjap,ksian pon de...xsmayang sbuh pk,reflect the whole thing,bad thing happend pn pk,sbb pk pk...reflect sume bende dlm hdp..

p/s for man out there pndai2la korang deal...bkn sng nk phm pompuan ni